威廉·戈登伯格(William Goldenberg,1959年11月2日-)是一位美国电影剪接师,自1992年至今已经担任超过20部电影的剪辑工作。他曾获得多次奥斯卡最佳剪辑奖提名,如《模仿游戏》(2014)、《逃离德黑兰》(2012)、《猎杀本·拉登》(2012)、《壮志奔腾》(2003)和 The Insider (1999),其中《逃离德黑兰》为他赢得第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳剪辑奖。他也多次获得过其他剪辑奖提名。
- 盗火线/Heat (1995 - Mann; with Pasquale Buba, Dov Hoenig, and Tom Rolf)
- The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996 - Harlin)
- 一人有一點顏色/Pleasantville (1998 - Ross)
- The Insider (1999 - Mann; with David Rosenbloom and Paul Rubell)
- Coyote Ugly (2000 - McNally)
- Ali (2001 - Mann; with Lynzee Klingman, Stephen E. Rivkin, and Stuart Waks)
- Kangaroo Jack (2003 - McNally; with John Murray)
- 壮志奔腾/Seabiscuit (2003 - Ross)
- 国家宝藏/National Treasure (2004 - Turteltaub)
- Domino (2005 - Scott; with Christian Wagner)
- 迈阿密风云/Miami Vice (2006 - Mann; with Paul Rubell)
- Gone Baby Gone (2008 - Affleck)
- 国家宝藏2:神秘书/National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007 - Turteltaub; with David Rennie)
- 購物狂的異想世界Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009 - Hogan)
- 魔法師的學徒/The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010 - Turteltaub)
- 变形金刚3/Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011 - Bay; with Roger Barton and Joel Negron)
- 逃离德黑兰/Argo (2012 - Affleck),获得第66届英国电影学院奖最佳剪辑奖,第63届剪辑师工会奖最佳剧情类剪辑奖,第85届奥斯卡金像奖最佳剪辑奖;
- 刺杀本拉登/Zero Dark Thirty (2012 - Bigelow; with Dylan Tichenor)
- 模仿游戏/The Imitation Game (2014)
- 威廉·戈登伯格在互聯網電影數據庫(IMDb)上的資料(英文)
- "American Cinema Editors > Members", webpage archived by WebCite from this original URL on 2008-03-04.
- Lytal, Christy. . The Los Angeles Times. November 29, 2012 . (原始内容存档于2013-03-13). Lytal's interview with Goldenberg.
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