奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖 | |
国家或地区 | 美國 |
主办单位 | 美国电影艺术与科学学会 |
当前持有 | 《美國工廠》(2019) |
官方网站 | http://www.oscars.org |
- 1942 - 获奖者:
- The Battle of Midway
- Kokoda Front Line!
- Moscow Strikes Back
- Prelude to War
1943年起,奥斯卡奖设有两种纪录片奖项(最佳纪录片和最佳纪录短片 )
- 1943 - Desert Victory
- Baptism of Fire
- The Battle of Russia
- Report from the Aleutians
- War Department Report
- 1944 - The Fighting Lady
- Resisting Enemy Interrogation
- 1945 - The True Glory
- The Last Bomb
- 1946 - none given
- 1947 - Design for Death
- Journey Into Medicine
- The World Is Rich
- 1948 - The Secret Land
- The Quiet One
- 1949 - Daybreak in Udi
- Kenji Comes Home
- 1950 - The Titan: Story of Michelangelo
- With These Hands
- 1951 - Kon-Tiki
- I Was a Communist for the FBI
- 1952 - The Sea Around Us
- The Hoaxters
- Navajo
- 1953 - The Living Desert
- The Conquest of Everest
- A Queen Is Crowned
- 1954 - The Vanishing Prairie
- The Stratford Adventure
- 1955 - Helen Keller in Her Story (或者The Unconquered)
- Crèvecoeur
- 1956 - The Silent World
- Where Mountains Float (丹麥語:)
- The Naked Eye
- 1957 - Albert Schweitzer
- On the Bowery
- Torero
- 1958 - White Wilderness
- Antarctic Crossing
- The Hidden World
- Psychiatric Nursing
- 1959 - Serengeti Shall Not Die
- The Race for Space
- From Generation to Generation
- 1960 - The Horse with the Flying Tail
- Rebel in Paradise
- 1961 - Sky Above and Mud Beneath
- La grande olimpiade
- 1962 - Black Fox: The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler
- Alvorada
- 1963 - Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World
- Le Maillon et la chaîne
- The Yanks Are Coming
- 1964 - World Without Sun
- 14-18
- Alleman
- The Finest Hours
- Four Days in November
- 1965 - The Eleanor Roosevelt Story
- The Battle of the Bulge... The Brave Rifles
- The Forth Road Bridge
- Let My People Go: The Story of Israel
- Mourir à Madrid
- 1966 - The War Game
- The Face of a Genius
- Helicopter Canada
- The Really Big Family
- Le Volcan interdit
- 1967 - The Anderson Platoon
- Festival
- Harvest
- A King's Story
- A Time for Burning
- 1968 - Journey into Self
- A Few Notes on Our Food Problem
- Legendary Champions
- Other Voices
- 1969 - Arthur Rubinstein – The Love of Life
- Before the Mountain Was Moved
- In the Year of the Pig
- Olimpiada en México
- The Wolf Men
- 1970 - Woodstock
- Erinnerungen an die Zukunft
- Jack Johnson
- King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis
- Say Goodbye
- 1971 - The Hellstrom Chronicle
- Alaska Wilderness Lake
- Le chagrin et la pitié
- On Any Sunday
- Ra
- 1972 - Marjoe
- Bij de beesten af
- Malcolm X
- Manson
- The Silent Revolution
- 1973 - The Great American Cowboy
- Always a New Beginning
- Journey to the Outer Limits
- Schlacht um Berlin
- Walls of Fire
- 1974 - Hearts and Minds
- Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman
- The Challenge... A Tribute to Modern Art
- The 81st Blow
- The Wild and the Brave
- 1975 - The Man Who Skied Down Everest
- The California Reich
- Fighting for Our Lives
- The Incredible Machine
- The Other Half of the Sky: A China Memoir
- 1976 - Harlan County, USA
- Hollywood on Trial
- Off the Edge
- People of the Wind
- Volcano: An Inquiry Into the Life and Death of Malcolm Lowry
- 1977 - Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids?
- The Children of Theatre Street
- High Grass Circus
- Homage to Chagall: The Colours of Love
- Union Maids
- 1978 - Scared Straight!
- Mysterious Castles of Clay
- Raoni
- Le vent des amoureux
- With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade
- 1979 - Best Boy
- Generation on the Wind
- Going the Distance
- The Killing Ground
- The War at Home
- 1980 From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China
- Agee
- The Day After Trinity
- Front Line
- The Yellow Star – The Persecution of the Jews in Europe 1933-45
- 1981 Genocide
- Against Wind and Tide: A Cuban Odyssey
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Eight Minutes to Midnight: A Portrait of Dr. Helen Caldicott
- El Salvador: Another Vietnam
- 1982 Just Another Missing Kid
- A Portrait of Giselle
- After the Axe
- Ben's Mill
- In Our Water
- 1983 He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin'
- Children of Darkness
- First Contact
- The Profession of Arms
- Seeing Red
- 1984 《哈维·米尔克的时代》The Times of Harvey Milk
- High Schools
- In the Name of the People
- Marlene
- Streetwise
- 1985 Broken Rainbow
- The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo
- Soldiers in Hiding
- The Statue of Liberty
- Unfinished Business
- 1986 - (tie): Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got 和 Down and Out in America
- Chile: Hasta Cuando?
- Isaac in America: A Journey with Isaac Bashevis Singer
- Witness to Apartheid
- 1987 The Ten-Year Lunch
- Eyes on the Prize
- Hellfire: A Journey from Hiroshima
- Radio Bikini
- A Stitch for Time
- 1988 Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie
- The Cry of Reason: Beyers Naude – An Afrikaner Speaks Out
- Let's Get Lost
- Promises to Keep
- Who Killed Vincent Chin?
- 1989 《人人手中線:愛滋被單的故事》
- Adam Clayton Powell
- Crack USA: County Under Siege
- For All Mankind
- Super Chief: The Life and Legacy of Earl Warren
- 1990 American Dream
- Berkeley in the Sixties
- Building Bombs
- Forever Activists: Stories from the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
- Waldo Salt: A Screenwriter's Journey
- 1991 In the Shadow of the Stars
- Death on the Job
- Doing Time: Life Inside the Big House
- The Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945
- Wild by Law
- 1992 The Panama Deception
- Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker
- Fires of Kuwait
- Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II
- Music for the Movies: Bernard Herrmann
- 1993 I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School
- The Broadcast Tapes of Dr. Peter
- Children of Fate
- For Better or For Worse
- The War Room
- 1994 Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision
- Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter
- D-Day Remembered
- Freedom on My Mind
- A Great Day in Harlem
- 1995 Anne Frank Remembered
- The Battle Over Citizen Kane
- Hank Aaron: Chasing the Dream
- Small Wonders
- Troublesome Creek: A Midwestern
- 1996 When We Were Kings
- The Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story
- Mandela
- Suzanne Farrell: Elusive Muse
- Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press
- 1997 The Long Way Home
- Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life
- Colors Straight Up
- 4 Little Girls
- Waco: The Rules of Engagement
- 1998 The Last Days
- Dancemaker
- The Farm: Angola, U.S.A.
- Lenny Bruce: Swear to Tell the Truth
- Regret to Inform
- 1999 One Day in September
- Buena Vista Social Club
- Genghis Blues
- On the Ropes
- Speaking in Strings
- 2000: 《戰爭存亡錄》(Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport)
- 《遺產》(Legacy)
- 《長夜入日行》(Long Night's Journey into Day)
- 《斯科茨伯勒:美國的悲劇》(Scottsboro: An American Tragedy)
- 《無聲的吶喊》(Sound and Fury)
- 2001: 《週日早晨謀殺》(Murder on a Sunday Morning)
- 《地下孩童》(Children Underground)
- 《棉花傳統》(LaLee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton)
- 《美麗天堂》(Promises)
- 《戰地攝影師》(War Photographer)
- 2003: 《戰爭迷霧》(The Fog of War)
- 《古巴漂移者》(Balseros)
- 《追捕弗雷德曼家族》(Capturing the Friedmans)
- 《我的建築師:尋父之旅》(My Architect: A Son's Journey)
- 《》(The Weather Underground)
- 2004: 《》(Born into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids)
- 2005: 《企鵝寶貝:南極的旅程》(La Marche de l'Empereur)
- 2006: 《不願面對的真相》(An Inconvenient Truth)
- 《大急救》(Deliver Us from Evil)
- 《伊拉克碎片》(Iraq in Fragments)
- 《基督營》(Jesus Camp)
- 《伊拉克,我的祖國》(My Country, My Country)
- 2007: 《》(Taxi to the Dark Side)
- 《》(No End in Sight)
- 《》 (Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience)
- 《健保真要命》(Sicko)
- 《烏干達天空下》(War Dance)
- 2008: 《偷天鋼索人》(Man on Wire)
- 《背叛》(The Betrayal – Nerakhoon)
- 《》(Encounters at the End of the World)
- 《花園》(The Garden)
- 《》(Trouble the Water)
- 2009:《血色海灣》(The Cove)
- 《缅甸起义:看不到的真相》(Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country)
- 《美味代價》(Food, Inc.)
- 《》(The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers)
- 《哪裡是回家的路》(Which Way Home)
- 2010:《幕後黑手》(Inside Job)
- 《畫廊外的天賦》(Exit Through the Gift Shop)
- 《》(Gasland)
- 《》(Restrepo)
- 《》(Waste Land)
- 2011: 《不敗戰神》 (Undefeated)
- 《》(Hell and Back Again)
- 《如果樹倒下:一個地球解放陣線的故事》(If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front)
- 《失樂園3:煉獄》(Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory)
- 《碧娜鮑許》(Pina)
- 2012:《》(Searching for Sugar Man)
- 2013:《》(20 Feet from Stardom)
- 2015:《》(Amy)
- 《毒枭帝国》(Cartel Land)
- 《沉默一瞬》(The Look of Silence)
- 《妮娜西蒙:女伶的靈魂》(What Happened, Miss Simone?)
- 《凛冬烈火:乌克兰为自由而战》(Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom)
- 2016:《辛普森:美國製造》(O.J.: Made in America)
- 《海上焰火》(Fire at Sea)
- 《》(I Am Not Your Negro)
- 《消失的男孩》(Life, Animated)
- 《第十三修正案》(13th)
- 2018:《赤手登峰》(Free Solo)
- 《黑尔郡的日与夜》(Hale County This Morning, This Evening)
- 《滑板少年》(Minding the Gap)
- 《恐怖分子的孩子》(Of Fathers and Sons)
- 《RBG:不恐龍大法官》(RBG)
- 被认可的最佳纪录片
- 奧斯卡獎官方網站資料庫 Archived 2012-02-16 at WebCite
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