
保罗·亨雷Paul Henreid)是一名出身于奥匈帝国后来移居到美国的演员,他最出名的角色之一是在1943年的《北非谍影》中饰演英格丽·褒曼的丈夫,以及在1942年的《扬帆 (电影)》中一次点燃两支香烟并且递了一支给贝蒂·戴维斯。除了作为演员参演电影外,他自己亦曾多次拿起导演筒执导电影。

circa 1940s
出生Paul Georg Julius Freiherr von Hernried Ritter von Wassel-Waldingau
 奥匈帝国的里雅斯特 (如今位于意大利境内)
配偶Elizabeth "Lisl" Camilla Julia Gluck(1936年-1992年結婚)
儿女Monika Henreid
Mimi Duncan


保罗·亨雷出身自一个奥地利贵族银行家家庭,他最初的工作是维也纳一家出版社的翻译以及设计师不过后来他在表演学校展现出了自己的才华被一名剧院经理看中。他很快成了那家剧院的主要演员并且在20世纪30年代初拍摄了两部奥地利影片。然而由于他反纳粹的立场他很快离开了奥地利到了英国,他在英国登上了伦敦的舞台,讽刺的是他饰演的却是纳粹的官员。1940年他到了美国,在百老汇的《Flight to the West》中继续饰演德国人。1941年他跟雷电华公司签订了合同,这一次他与开始在好莱坞饰演自由法国人士,1943年他又在北非谍影中饰演来自捷克的反抗人士。50年代以后他还出现在多部电视节目之中。



  • Dawn (1933)
  • Love in Morocco (1933)
  • The Secret of Cavelli (1934)
  • Eva, the Factory Girl (1935)
  • Only a Comedian (1935)
  • Victoria the Great (1937)
  • Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
  • Under Your Hat (1940)
  • Mad Men of Europe (1940)
  • Night Train to Munich (1940)
  • Joan of Paris (1942)
  • Now, Voyager (1942)
  • 北非谍影 (1942)
  • In Our Time (1944)
  • Between Two Worlds (1944)
  • The Conspirators (1944)
  • Hollywood Canteen (1944)
  • The Spanish Main (1945)
  • Devotion (1946)
  • Of Human Bondage (1946)
  • Deception (1946)
  • Song of Love (1947)
  • Hollow Triumph aka The Scar (UK) (1948)
  • Rope of Sand (1949)
  • So Young So Bad (1950)
  • Last of the Buccaneers (1950)
  • Pardon My French (1951) - also French version Dans la vie tout s'arrange (1952)
  • For Men Only (1952)
  • Thief of Damascus (1952)
  • Stolen Face (1952)
  • Woman in Hiding (1953)
  • Siren of Bagdad (1953)
  • This Song Is for You (1954)
  • Deep in My Heart (1954)
  • Pirates of Tripoli (1955)
  • Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956)
  • A Woman's Devotion (1956)
  • Ten Thousand Bedrooms (1957)
  • Holiday for Lovers (1959)
  • Never So Few (1959)
  • Operation Crossbow (1965)
  • Peking Remembered (1967) - documentary, narrator
  • The Madwoman of Chaillot (1969)
  • Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)


  • Hollow Triumph (1948)


  • For Men Only (1952)
  • A Woman's Devotion (1956)
  • Live Fast, Die Young (1958)
  • Girls on the Loose (1958)
  • Dead Ringer (1964)


  • Dawn (1933)
  • Love in Morocco (1933)
  • The Secret of Cavelli (1934)
  • Eva, the Factory Girl (1935)
  • Only a Comedian (1935)
  • Victoria the Great (1937)
  • Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
  • Under Your Hat (1940)
  • Mad Men of Europe (1940)
  • Night Train to Munich (1940)
  • Joan of Paris (1942)
  • Now, Voyager (1942)
  • 北非谍影 (1942)
  • In Our Time (1944)
  • Between Two Worlds (1944)
  • The Conspirators (1944)
  • Hollywood Canteen (1944)
  • The Spanish Main (1945)
  • Devotion (1946)
  • Of Human Bondage (1946)
  • Deception (1946)
  • Song of Love (1947)
  • Hollow Triumph aka The Scar (UK) (1948)
  • Rope of Sand (1949)
  • So Young So Bad (1950)
  • Last of the Buccaneers (1950)
  • Pardon My French (1951) - also French version Dans la vie tout s'arrange (1952)
  • For Men Only (1952)
  • Thief of Damascus (1952)
  • Stolen Face (1952)
  • Woman in Hiding (1953)
  • Siren of Bagdad (1953)
  • This Song Is for You (1954)
  • Deep in My Heart (1954)
  • Pirates of Tripoli (1955)
  • Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956)
  • A Woman's Devotion (1956)
  • Ten Thousand Bedrooms (1957)
  • Holiday for Lovers (1959)
  • Never So Few (1959)
  • Operation Crossbow (1965)
  • Peking Remembered (1967) - documentary, narrator
  • The Madwoman of Chaillot (1969)
  • Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)


  • Hollow Triumph (1948)


  • For Men Only (1952)
  • A Woman's Devotion (1956)
  • Live Fast, Die Young (1958)
  • Girls on the Loose (1958)
  • Dead Ringer (1964)


  1. Paul Henreid Biography (1908-1992)
  2. Paul Henreid
  3. . . (原始内容存档于2016-03-16).
  4. . . (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).



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